Kingfisher 1
About the Swan Centre

The Swan Centre is a unit within our mainstream school that caters for children with Autism. We provide children with opportunities to really thrive, to learn with the highest of expectations, and to make the most of their skills and talents. Emphasis is given to developing life skills with a tailored  curriculum for students to focus on their communication, independence and social interaction skills.

The Swan Centre is about 'promoting inclusiveness in a way that is special and individual to every child' - Quote from parent.

The Swan Centre is made up of three classes: Kingfisher (Reception and Years 1 and 2),  Otter (Year 3 and 4)  and River  (Year 5 and Year 6). 

The leadership, governance and funding of the centre is shared between the Infant and the Junior School. 

All the pupils in the Swan Centre have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

Children learn in a smaller class size in their own classroom with specially trained practitioners. They also benefit from integration with mainstream with an approach tailored by year group and bespoke to individuals.

The Centre also has a Sensory Room and an Outdoor Learning Area.


What we can offer your child

The Swan Centre is designed to meet the needs of children who would benefit from time in a mainstream classroom as well as the structure of the specialised learning environment we offer in Kingfisher, Otter and River Class. Consequently, integration into the main school is part of our offer to families.


All pupils in the Swan Centre integrate into the mainstream school. Each pupil is assigned a mainstream class in the school. This is to enable consistency and to help the pupils to build relationships with both staff and peers in the class. We take a bespoke approach to integration to take into account pupils needs and abilities. Centre pupils will be supported in their mainstream class by a familiar adult, unless they are able to integrate independently.

All pupils integrate for lunch times and playtimes.

Specialist Input

We have a Speech and Language therapist who works one day a week across the Centre. She works with pupils 1:1 or in small group sessions. We also have a  Occupational Therapist who works one day a week with the pupils to address fine and gross motor skills or any sensory issues. We have a linked Educational Psychologist to support practitioners. 

Communication with parents and carers

As many pupils come to school on transport, communication with parents happens daily via our home learning platform Seesaw. In addition, parents/carers are encouraged to visit the Centre or to telephone staff at any time. Each child has a termly Individual Education Plan, an Annual Review meeting is held to review the EHCP and progress towards longer term outcomes. Parents also receive a weekly curriculum letter outlining the learning that is happening in class and suggestions for ideas to support your child with further learning at home.

Meet the team

Head Of Centre

Becky Essex

Kingfisher Class (Reception, Year 1 And 2)

Class Teacher, PSHE Leader

Amber Cruddace

Learning Support Assistant

Kate Comer

Learning Support Assistant

Nicole Parker



 Learning Support Assistant

Delia Salgado


Otter Class (Year 3 and 4)

Class Teacher


Learning Support Assistant

Bonita Garlick

Learning Support Assistant

Ianta Archibald


River Class (Year 5 and 6)

Class Teacher 

Wendy Bonner

Learning Support Assistant

Laura Grimmond

Learning Support Assistant

Vida Alympic

Contact us

Becky Essex - Head of the ASC Unit 

0208994 7921